When I began this site, I had the goal to empower others and invite them on my journey to living a better life. During this difficult time with COVID, resilience has been put to the test. Whether it’s the loss of a job, a routine, or a loved one, COVID has affected us all in unique and profound ways. A lot of us were expected to go like nothing was happening, but the tasks which used to bring us joy now brought a layer of stress that had not been there before. COVID has become a lasting and constant trigger for stress and loss. No matter how hard we wish, we cannot wake up one morning and have everything go back to normal.
I remember the first few months of lockdown struggling to find a new normal. I was still in college at the time, so my day included online classes, and not much else. Before I knew it months had passed. I spent most of my days in my pajamas, my diet had become unbalanced, and my joints ached from a lack of exercise. I hardly left my house, and I had become distant from my friends. Increasingly I turned to distractions like TV in my free time to cope with the stress going on around me. One day, I looked around, as if waking up from a four month daze, and asked myself, “How did this become my new normal?”
I knew something needed to be done, but I didn’t know where to start. First, I called my friends and had an honest conversation. I shared what I had been going through and I was shocked to hear that they were having similar experiences. Though at first they didn’t want to say anything, I could tell they were relieved to finally admit they were struggling too.
Stressors are Everywhere
COVID magnifies every day stress to toxic levels. Many of us feel obligated to pretend we’re fine, or simply don’t know how to confront these challenges. That is why I made this blog. To connect with others and form a community of empowerment amidst a time of unprecedented loss.
When my friends told me they were feeling overwhelmed from stress and all the new challenges and changes in their lives, I realized people all over the world may be feeling a similar way. I had to do something about it, so I sprang into action and put my degrees in psychology and integrated health science degree to use. I did a great deal of academic research in college, and I got to work researching the topic ways to mitigate the damaging effects of stress and grief. I became so involved in the topic that I decided to write a book based on the suggestion of some of my professors.
After I finished writing my book, (“All That’s Left Behind” publishing August 2021) I found I had much more I wanted to say on the topic and so I created this accessible platform where I could share my discoveries with others.
I hope you find this as a place you can come and find insights to improve your life. If you do benefit from this site, please pass it on to make someone else’s life better, and together we can make a better, more resilient world for all of us.
In the future, this blog will explore ways we can all become stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually. A holistic approach is vital to creating resilience, and I plan to incorporate all facets of resilience when exploring ways to better withstand life’s challenges and thrive in the face of adversity.
Join me next week to uncover the true definition of resilience by signing up to receive future updates and posts.
Until then Stay Strong!